Hello and thank you
for reading my newsletter, or at least this about page, which is almost my newsletter.
The main thing you will get in your inbox if you sign up for my newsletter is a weekly post that I call What’s Good, wherein I collect and describe interesting articles from around the internet. And if you pay money, you mostly get nothing extra, because I feel bad about putting things behind a paywall.
Sometimes I also write additional, independent posts about things that interest me. I’ve written so far about video game monetization, and in the future I will probably write more about game design, and maybe also politics or law or other things that I find interesting and have opinions about. It’s hard to find the time to both scope out and actualize those kinds of posts, so they are infrequent, but I do enjoy working on them.
I should also mention that every weekly What’s Good post comes with a section called You deserve some good animal content. Because you do! Without fail, every single week, the animal links are the most-clicked. And who can blame my readers for that, really. Animals are much more interesting than… well, the chaotic firestorm that is the world right now.
Why sign up?
If you sign up, you will get emails when I write new posts. If you like the posts, and do not want to miss them, signing up will facilitate that! It’s the magic of the internet. And email.
Also, it will make me happy.
Wait, paying money?
Yes, if you like this newsletter you can pay me some money. I am doing this for my own benefit, not for the money, but the money will help me pay my rent or upgrade my computer or buy me some barrel-aged beer, things of that nature. Categorically the people who give me money have told me they do it because they appreciate and enjoy the newsletter, not because they want access to additional content or special treatment, but I am nevertheless trying to come up with some good ideas for additional content and/or special treatment.
I used to have subscriber-only Addendums posts, but I am probably going to keep those integrated in the main weekly posts - or otherwise publicly available - for now. But! While the posts will all be freely available, I am happy to write about specific content requested by subscribers. So, if you pay me money, you should mostly do that because you enjoy the newsletter and appreciate the time I spend writing it, but also you can ask me to write about something in particular, either as part of a weekly post or possibly in a separate full post of its own.
But I really want to emphasize that this is primarily a free newsletter because I enjoy sharing content with people, and almost everything I write will be free. You should subscribe if-and-only-if you like what you already get, because I am not making (and cannot make) any promises about the regularity or quality of subscriber-only content.
That said, if you like what you see, here’s the money button. Thanks for being a reader.
As of March 12, 2021, this newsletter is edited by Carly Zervis. Thanks, Carly!